What is BEST IN KLAS? It is an organization started in 1996 by four people in Healthcare IT (HIT). It's foundation was to help find transparency in the healthcare IT marketplace. "Each year, thousands of healthcare professionals across the globe take the time to share their voice with KLAS," said Adam Gale, President of KLAS. The KLAS awards are important to healthcare professionals around the world because the recommendation comes from their colleagues helping them decipher what products will truly benefit their patients and their business.
As a VAR for Nuance, we are not surprised that Dragon Medical One has been awarded BEST IN KLAS as the #1 conversational AI Speech Recognition solution helping providers deliver and document better patient care. Nuance not only captured the 2021 Best in KLAS Speech Recognition (Front-End EMR) award, but also captured the 2021 Best in KLAS Quality Management award.
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
Dragon Medical One,
Awarded Best In KLAS
Working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic may be a new experience for some in the legal profession. Most lawyers are used to meeting face-to-face with clients and making their arguments in a court room. With the looming reality that COVID-19 may be back again in the fall, here are some tips to make sure your working from home experience is as effective as possible:
Creating your own workspace is very important when you work from your home because there are so many distractions. The kids, the laundry, the home gym, are not present in an office environment and you may need some will power to stay away from the temptation to take care of other things. Set up your workspace where you will be free from distractions and make sure it is a quiet place, so you can make professional phone calls and do video conferencing without interruption. This will also give you a feeling of going to an office to work.
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
remote tools,
be effective working from home,
dragon legal
Dragon Medical Practice Edition is an excellent tool in helping providers to meet Meaningful Use requirements. The truth is, it helps make entering patient notes less time consuming. CMS.gov lists the criteria for meeting requirements, how you choose to meet them is up to you.
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
Dragon Medical Practice Edition,
Meaningful Use,
Meaningful Use Requirements
Most laptops and tablets today are made with a built-in or on-board microphone. They are great for speaking across lines to others and making quick snippets of sound bites. However, if you want the best accuracy with your Dragon Software, use an approved audio device such as a headset or desktop microphone. Built-in microphones don't always provide good quality sound. In addition, they are not noise-cancelling, a feature that allows you to dictate in challenging environments.
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
microphone for dragon
We have come a long way since our first Thanksgiving! Just imagine getting up on a cold November morning to go hunt and kill your holiday dinner. Brrrrr. I'm thankful to be able to drive to a store and pick up my nice plucked and cleaned turkey! Maybe yours will be already cooked! Progress is good... in all things!
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
talk to computer
Dragon Speech Recognition Software is an application that allows providers the ability to speak their patient notes, instead of typing or using a transcriptionist. With the imminent addition of the EHR, Dragon has been proven to help providers increase practice profitability, increase clinician satisfaction and improve documentation.
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
Dragon Medical Software Demonstration
Team play is critical to success... on the field (or rink) and off! Our Operations Manager here at Mindware Connections, Joan Moss, is a great example of team play. She fields calls from our customers, inquiries regarding Dragon Software, coordinates schedules, provides Dragon Speech Recognition technical support, performs sales and accounting tasks, updates information to our Application Specialists when they are on the road, everything to ensure a smooth running operation. She is something to brag about! So as they say, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree..."
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Dragon Speech Recognition Software,
Team Play,
Practice Management